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| Planning Applications 2017 ArchiveDetails of planning applications in the Hampsthwaite area submitted to Harrogate Borough Council Return to Parish Council main article Link to HBC's Online Planning Application Information (opens in a new window)
Domestic Planning Applications and Notifications:Current Year Applications 2017:Heather House Farm Attached is a copy of the decision notice for the previous application at this site. The current proposal is for an agricultural worker’s dwelling for someone to live on the farm. If approved it would be conditioned that the house cannot be occupied by someone not employed (or last employed) in agriculture. PROPOSAL: Erection of 1 no. agricultural workers dwelling. LOCATION: Heather House Farm Burley Bank Road Killinghall Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2BX APPLICANT: Mrs J Walton Harrogate Borough Council being the Local Planning Authority for the purposes of the application received on 4 January 2017 for Full Planning Permission, as described above, have resolved to REFUSE PLANNING PERMISSION. Heather House Farm Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION TYPE: Full permission APPLICATION NO: 6.92.304.C.FUL 18/00225/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of 1 no. agricultural workers dwelling (Revised Scheme). LOCATION: Heather House Farm Burley Bank Road Killinghall Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2BX GRID REF: E 425870 N 456321 APPLICANT: Messrs Simpson, Walton See: Northbrook Cottage Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION TYPE: Full permission APPLICATION NO: 6.92.331.FUL 18/00197/FUL PROPOSAL: Alterations to fenestration. LOCATION: Northbrook Cottage Mount Pleasant Farm Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire, HG3 2BU GRID REF: E 426389 N 457163 APPLICANT: Mr N Porter 44 Brookfield Crescent PLANNING ENFORCEMENT CASE NO: 18/00038/BRPC15 PLANNING REF: 16/05163/FUL Land Comprising Field At Grid Reference 426031 458228 Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION TYPE: Outline application - Major APPLICATION NO: 6.92.325.OUTMAJ 17/01597/OUTMAJ PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of up to 39 dwellings with access to, but not within, the site considered. (Site Area 1.34Ha) LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At Grid Reference 426031 458228 Brookfield Garth, Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire GRID REF: E 426031 N 458228 APPLICANT: Stonebridge Homes See: LAND COMPRISING FIELD AT, 425731 458769, HAMPSTHWAITE, NORTH YORKSHIRE - Application No. 17/04923/OUTMAJ Report by Historic England Cruet House Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION TYPE: Outline application APPLICATION NO: 6.92.317.E.OUT 17/05346/OUT PROPOSAL: Outline planning application for the erection of 1 dwelling plus garaging within the Garden Plot of Cruet House. LOCATION: Cruet House Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2HH GRID REF: E 426153 N 458129 APPLICANT: Ms A Gillett See: activeTab=summary&keyVal=P0I004HYFHQ00 Land Comprising OS Field 7018 Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION TYPE: Outline application - Major APPLICATION NO: 6.92.326.A.OUTMAJ 17/05580/OUTMAJ PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of up to 80 dwellings with access considered (access from Rowden Lane for consideration only) and the reservation of land for a potential medical facility. LOCATION: Land Comprising OS Field 7018 Rowden Lane Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire GRID REF: E 425695 N 458181 APPLICANT: Vernon Land Paternership (Hampsthwaite) Limited Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/03991/FUL at 4 Meadow Close 4 Meadow Close Hampsthwaite HG3 2EX PROPOSAL: Erection of detached annex, access steps and retaining wall, formation of additional parking and turning area and demolition of existing garage (Revised Scheme). APPLICANT: Mr P Sowden APPROVED Notification on Appeal 17/00087/HOUSER at 8 Dale Close PROPOSAL: Erection of rear extension, conversion of loft to form additional living accommodation and demolition of conservatory and utility room. SITE AT: 8 Dale Close Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire HG3 2EQ COUNCIL REF: 6.92.174.FUL 17/00087/HOUSER APPEAL REF: APP/E2734/D/17/3183064 I have now received the decision letter from the Planning Inspectorate and write to advise you that the appeal was allowed. Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/04809/FUL at 22 Hollins Close PROPOSAL: Erection of two storey and dormer extensions and replacement hipped roof and alterations to enestration (Revised Scheme). APPROVED Hampsthwaite application 17/04924/FUL T&CP (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 & Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990 LAND COMPRISING FIELD, AT 426061 459023, CHURCH LANE, HAMPSTHWAITE, NORTH YORKSHIRE Application No. 17/04924/FUL Development Land At 426182 458184 Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION TYPE: Delete or vary condition APPLICATION NO: 6.92.317.C.DVCON 17/05344/DVCON PROPOSAL: Variation of condition 2 (proposed plans) of permission 16/05550/DVCON to allow amendments to the proposed plans. LOCATION: Development Land At 426182 458184 Cruet Fold Hampsthwaite HG3 2HH See: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/03437/OUTMAJ at Land Comprising OS Field 7018 LOCATION: Land Comprising OS Field 7018 Rowden Lane Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire PROPOSAL: Outline application for the erection of up to 130 dwellings with access considered. APPLICANT: Vernon Land Partnership (Hampsthwaite) Limited REFUSED. See: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/03904/FUL at The Little House LOCATION: The Little House 16 High Street Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2ET PROPOSAL: Erection of replacement single storey extension, alterations to porch and relocation of external steps. APPROVED Land Comprising Field At 426214 458274 Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Erection of 5 dwellings with access considered. LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 426214 458274 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire GRID REF: E 426214 N 458274 APPLICANT: Cruet Farm Investments Ltd See: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/04590/FUL at 15 Meadow Close PROPOSAL: Erection of two storey extension and balcony, raising of roof ridge, conversion of loft to form additional living accommodation, alterations to fenestration and removal of chimney. APPROVED Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/04075/FUL at 21 Hollins Close PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extensions, dormer, bay and pitched roof, porch and pergola, alterations to fenestration and demolition of existing extensions. APPROVED Eight Acres - PLANNING ENFORCEMENT CASE NO: 17/00626/PR15 PLANNING REF: 17/00143/FUL The nature of the complaint has been summarised as follows:- Height of new extension (should be level with bottom of FF window, not the eaves) 4 Meadow Close Planning Application Consultation See : Opportunity to speak letter for Planning Application Ref No 17/03437/OUTMAJ at Land Comprising OS Field 7018 This application which lies within your parish is to be considered at the meeting of the Planning Committee on 28 November 2017 at the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Crescent Gardens, Harrogate. The meeting starts at 2.00pm. Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/04429/FUL at 72 Brookfield Crescent LOCATION: 72 Brookfield Crescent Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EE PROPOSAL: Erection of porch. APPROVED Land Comprising Field At 426061 459023 Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Erection of 5 dwellings with associated parking plus public parking area. LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 426061 459023 Church Lane Hampsthwaite NorthYorkshire GRID REF: E 426061 N 459023 APPLICANT: The Trustees Of Sir Cecil Aykroyd Bt Settlement See: Notification on Appeal 17/00073/NREFPP at Foxhill Keepers Cottage APPEAL BY: Mr F Illingsworth PROPOSAL: Conversion of ancillary outbuilding for independent living SITE AT: Foxhill Keepers Cottage Skipton Road Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2LZ COUNCIL REF: 6.92.213.C.FUL 17/00073/NREFPP APPEAL REF: APP/E2734/W/17/3179312 I have now received the decision letter from the Planning Inspectorate and write to advise you that the appeal was allowed. Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/00023/FUL at Heather House Farm PROPOSAL: Erection of 1 no. agricultural workers dwelling. APPLICANT: Mrs J Walton REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:- The application has not demonstrated an existing essential functional or financial need for a rural worker to live permanently on this landholding. Notification for Planning Application Ref No 17/04116/FUL at Glenallen APPLICATION TYPE: Full permission APPLICATION NO: 6.92.156.C.FUL 17/04116/FUL PROPOSAL: Formation of dropped kerb and hardstanding to form two car parking spaces. LOCATION: Glenallen Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2HJ APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Nobile DECISION LEVEL: activeTab=summary&keyVal=OWBX8GHYMJN00 Further to my notification of the above application to the Parish Council, I write to inform you that the application has been WITHDRAWN. 4 Meadow Close Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Erection of detached annex, access steps and retaining wall, formation of additional parking and turning area and demolition of existing garage (amended details received 3 November 2017). Notification on Appeal 17/00087/HOUSER at 8 Dale Close Proposal: Erection of rear extension, conversion of loft to form additional living accommodation and demolition of conservatory and utility room. 22 Hollins Close Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Erection of single and two storey extensions, dormers and gable roof and alterations to fenestration. Land Comprising Field At 425886 458426 Breach of Condition 22 of 14/02612/FULMAJ - lorries arriving from 8.00 + accessing site. Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/03631/FUL at 11 Hollins Lane LOCATION: 11 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EJ PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing garage, erection of single storey extension, erection of garage/garden room and alterations to fenestration. Approved see: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/03957/FUL at 27 Brookfield Crescent LOCATION: 27 Brookfield Crescent Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EE PROPOSAL: Demolition of garage and erection of single storey and two storey extension. Approved see: The Little House Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing extension. Erection of single storey extension. Alteration to porch. LOCATION: The Little House 16 High Street Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2ET See: 15 Meadow Close Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Erection of two-storey extension; Raising of roof; Installation of fenestration and 2 no. rooflights; Removal of chimney. LOCATION: 15 Meadow Close Hampsthwaite HG3 2EX See: 21 Hollins Close Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing extension, side garage, front bay window and rear dormer, erection of single storey extension, installation of new bay window and porch and formation of dormer. LOCATION: 21 Hollins Close Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EH See: 72 Brookfield Crescent Planning Application Consultation Erection of porch. See: Hollins Farm Barn Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Erection of 1 no. dwelling, garage and 2 no. stables with associated landscaping; Formation of manege and access; Demolition and rebuilding of boundary wall, Erection of various walls; Repairs to drainage ditch. LOCATION: Hollins Farm Barn Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2HL See: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/03755/FUL at Greenways LOCATION: Greenways 39 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2EG PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension (Revised Scheme). APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Verity APPROVED Glenallen Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Formation of dropped kerb crossing and hardstanding. LOCATION: Glenallen Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2HJ Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/02746/FUL at 22 Hollins Close LOCATION: 22 Hollins Close Hampsthwaite HG3 2EH PROPOSAL: Retention of detached garage. APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Peters APPROVED Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/02636/FUL at Land Comprising Field At 425886 458426 PROPOSAL: Erection of 5 dwellings with detached garaging. APPLICANT: Barratt & David Wilson Homes APPROVED 22 Hollins Close Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey, two storey, first floor and dormer extensions, replacement roof, chimneys and detached garage, rendering of elevations, conversion of loft to form additional living accommodation, alterations to fenestration and formation of terrace. LOCATION: 22 Hollins Close Hampsthwaite HG3 2EH Land Comprising OS Field 7018 Planning Application Consultation Outline application for the erection of up to 130 dwellings with access considered. LOCATION: Land Comprising OS Field 7018 Rowden Lane Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire 4 Meadow Close Planning Application Consultation See : Erection of detached annex with conservatory, access steps and retaining wall, formation of additional parking and turning area and demolition of existing garage (Revised scheme). 27 Brookfield Crescent Planning Application Consultation Application granted previously in 1991 - now expired - See : Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/02462/FUL at Stoneybeck Approved - see : activeTab=summary&keyVal=OQX7YYHY0B700 Greenways Planning Application Consultation Erection of single storey extension. (Revised scheme) LOCATION: Greenways 39 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite See : PLANNING ENFORCEMENT Land Comprising Field At 425886 458426 Brookfield Crescent Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire Failure to re-instate land properly after earthworks to install tank & landscaping The officer dealing with this case is Andrew Lancashire, Tel: 01423 500600 Extn 56573. Land Comprising Field At 425886 458426 Planning Application Consultation 17/02636/FUL | Erection of 5 dwellings with detached garaging. | Land Comprising Field At 425886 458426 Brookfield Crescent Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire See: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/02499/FUL at 8 Dale Close Refused - See - activeTab=summary&keyVal=OR2SKMHY0A800 Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/01642/FUL at 4 Meadow Close Approved - see activeTab=summary&keyVal=OO96IRHYLB200 Stoneybeck Planning Application Consultation Erection of garage extension to upper ground floor level. LOCATION: Stoneybeck Rowden Lane Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire HG3 2ER Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/01195/FUL at 11 St Thomas A Becket Walk APPROVED: Erection of single storey extension. Sophies Coffee Shop PLANNING ENFORCEMENT CASE NO: 17/00342/PR15 Log cabin rented out for overnight guests 4 Meadow Close Planning Application Consultation Erection of detached annex, access steps and retaining wall, formation of additional parking and demolition of existing garage (revised details received 21 June 2017). See: 8 Dale Close Planning Application Consultation Erection of single storey extension, alteration to fenstration, roof work and demolition of conservatory and utility room. See: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/01903/FUL at Rowden Lane Farm Approved: Erection of single storey extensions, reduction and alteration of existing rear canopy / bay window roof and alterations to fenestration. See: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/01438/PROW at Adjacent To Cruet Farm Approved: Diversion of 40 meters of Footpath no. 15.53/23/1, Hampsthwaite. See: Greenways Planning Application Consultation Erection of 2 single storey extensions at Greenways 39 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2EG See: Land Adjacent To Cruet Farm Planning Application Consultation Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/01195/FUL at 11 St Thomas A Becket Walk Rowden Lane Farm Planning Application Consultation See : Land Adjacent To Cruet Farm Planning Application Consultation See: Land Comprising Field At Grid Reference 426031 458228 Planning Application Consultation (Brookfield Garth) See: 4 Meadow Close Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Demolition of Existing detached garage block and erection of ancillary granny annexe See: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/00639/RG3 at Garage Site Between 9 And 10 Peckfield Close PROPOSAL: Demolition of garages and erection of 2 dwellings with new access and landscaping (Site Area 0.04 ha). APPLICANT: Harrogate Borough Council APPROVED Brookfield TPO Tree Alan Gilleard (HBC’s Arboricultural Officer) has been out to inspect the tree. This is his response: I have been back to the Hampsthwaite site to check the tree protection around the oak. Everything is in order from my perspective with the fencing still intact. The proximity of the structures they are building is part of the granted consent and they are not causing undue harm to the tree. Please let your constituent(s) know that we are grateful for them keeping an eye on the developers and this tree in particular. It is a really fine specimen and we do need to know if the developers move the fencing so that we can react accordingly. I hope this reassures you for the moment, although a watching brief remains necessary.Opportunity to speak letter for Planning Application Ref No 17/00639/RG3 at Garage Site Between 9 And 10 Peckfield Close Adjacent To Cruet Farm Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Diversion of 40 metres of Footpath no. 15.53/23/1, Hampsthwaite. LOCATION: Adjacent To Cruet Farm Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite Harrogate 11 St Thomas A Becket Walk Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension. Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/00143/FUL at Eight Acres APPROVED: First floor rear extension and single storey side and rear extension and alterations to roof to create pitched roof over existing flat roof. Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 16/05517/OUT at Cruet House APPROVED: Outline planning application for the development of 5 no. residential dwellings with access considered. Heather House Farm Planning Application Consultation PROPOSAL: Erection of 1 no. agricultural workers dwelling. Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 17/00451/FUL at Mount Pleasant Farm APPROVED: Demolition of porch, erection of 2 single storey extensions with roof lights, alterations to fenestration and installation of new access with steps. PLANNING APPLICATION FOR HOUSING ON THE PECKFIELD CLOSE GARAGE SITE, HAMPSTHWAITE I am writing to inform you that Housing and Operational Property Services at Harrogate Borough Council has placed an application with the Planning Department to re-develop the garage site at Peckfield Close, Hampsthwaite to build 2No 2bedroomed semi-detached houses with parking. Notices will be posted on lampposts in the coming weeks. The Planning Application number is: 17/00639/RG3 and details will be found on Harrogate Borough Council’s Planning website: in a few days’ time. Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 16/05500/DVCON at Cruet Fold APPROVED: Variation of condition 2 (Approved Drawings) of planning permission 16/02142/FUL to allow for increase in width by 1m. height by 0.2m and depth by 0.5m to facilitate 2 no.4 bed dwelling in lieu of 2 no.3 bed dwellings (Site Area 0.06 ha). See: Garage Site Between 9 And 10 Peckfield Close Planning Application Consultation Demolition of garages and erection of 2 dwellings with new access - see Glenallen Planning Application Consultation Erection of single storey extention - see Eight Acres Planning Application Consultation Alterations to roof - see Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 16/05309/FUL at Hampsthwaite Cricket Club Erection of single storey extension and alterations to fenestration. Mount Pleasant Farm Planning Application Consultation Demolition of porch, erection of 2 single storey extensions with roof lights, alterations to fenestration and installation of new access with steps. See: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 16/05163/FUL at 44 Brookfield Crescent Approved Cruet Fold Planning Application Consultation
Request to vary existing permission for two dwellings - see Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 16/04819/FUL at 39 Hollins Lane Refused - 39 Hollins Lane : Erection of single storey and dormer extensions See ; Cruet House Planning Application Consultation Outline planning application for the residential development of 5 no. residential dwellings See : Hampsthwaite Cricket Club Planning Application Consultation Proposed extension for additional toilets and showers See - Planning Applications 2017 Archive Details of planning applications in the Hampsthwaite area submitted to Harrogate Borough Council Return to Parish Council main article Link to HBC's Online Planning Application Information (opens in a new window) |