Remembering Hampsthwaite’s Blind Joiner - an article by Shaun WilsonLike the market town of Knaresborough, who had ‘Blind Jack’ – John Metcalf, the road builder of Yorkshire in the eighteenth century, the small rural village of Hampsthwaite had it’s blind hero also, almost a century later – Peter Barker who became known as ‘The Blind Joiner of Hampsthwaite.’ Though there are some similarities between John Metcalf and Peter Barker’s lives, these are purely co-incidental and each fulfilled a life, character and career in their own right.
JANE RIDSDALEAged 33 years, born at Hampsthwaite, near Harrogate, Yorkshire, her height is 31 ½ inches.She is remarkably chearfull & enjoys very good health.Published July 1st 1807 by Jane Ridstale, at Harrogate where purchasers of this Print will have the opportunity of seeing and conversing with her
Joshua Tetley was the founder of Tetley’s Brewery in Leeds, and he retired with his wife Hannah to Hollins Hall on the outskirts of Hampsthwaite (Hollins Hall Retirement Village).
Arsenic Poisoning in Hampsthwaite - The Execution of Hannah Whitley
In 1789, Hannah Whitley of Hampsthwaite used a pie as the delivery medium for a fatal dose of arsenic, with the poison concentrated in the crust. She claimed She had been coerced into the act of poisoning by her employer, a local linen weaver named Horseman, who was involved in an on-going feud with the intended victim.
SCRUBBERS & STONES - Sat 29th June 10.30am - 2.30pm - Entry FREE!
Explore the Memorials at St Thomas a'Becket
Memorials Treasure Trail - for children if all ages
Self-Service / Self-Checkout BBQ from 12 noon (inc. veg option) Food £2, Drink £1, Donations? - yes please!
Hot & Cold Drinks
Laptop & Screen to show Mapping Hampsthwaite’s Past
Use a Bucket & Brush to help reveal Inscriptions on the older memorials
. . . or just Sit & Enjoy CORPUS CHRISTI BRASS BAND . . . from 11.30am
. . . followed by Afternoon Tea & Cakes at the Memorial Hall!
Hampsthwaite Open Gardens - Sat 29th June 12.30am - 5.00pm - Entry £5.00 (accompanied under 15's FREE)
Tickets on the day from Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall
Plant sales - many named varieties of plants
Delicious homemade refreshments
Afternoon tea and cakes served from 12.30pm at the Memorial Hall
Free genealogy websites will help you start your family history research at no cost as listed by the 'Who Do You Think You Are' magazine.
Memorial Hall kitchen is now completely, and expertly, refurbished by Neil,Batty Builders Ltd as a result of a grant awarded by the National Lottery's 'Reaching Communities' fund.See also the equivalent
A highly successful composer of the late Victorian and Edwardian eras, Amy Woodforde-Finden, together with her husband and step-son, is laid to rest in the churchyard of St Thomas à Becket Parish Church. Inside the church there is an impressive marble monument of her, created by the renowned sculptor George Edward Wade. It was unveiled in 1923 and a few years later, Finden Gardens in Hampsthwaite was named in her honour.[Click on title or image to link to articles]
Amy Woodforde-Finden : 'An Evening with Amy'A centenary concert to celebrate the life and works of Amy was held in Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall on April 21st 2023
Click on images to open full-size in new window and use the Browser back arrow to return to here.
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| Memorial Hall and COVID-19
The Memorial Hall Management Committee has taken steps to qualify the hall as being COVID-19 Secure as follows: - We have conducted a Memorial Hall Risk Assessment and made it available to all users.
- We have cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with UK Government guidance
- We have taken all reasonable steps to help hall users keep safe from COVID-19
- We have taken all reasonable steps to help Hirers maintain Social Distancing when using the hall
- Where people cannot keep 2m apart we have advised Hirers on the mitigating actions they might take to manage transmission risk
The Memorial Hall Management Committee undertakes best endeavours to establish the premises as Covid Secure but it is the responsibility of Hirers and other users to ensure their activities within it are safe and do not compromise the safety of others who may follow.

RoadMap Step 2: no earlier than 12 April- Community Buildings can open (but for small groups only without "mingling")
- Indoor leisure (including gyms) open for use individually or within household groups.
- All children’s activities, indoor parent & child groups (up to 15 parents - eg Toddler Group)
- Funerals (30 max.), wakes, weddings and receptions (15 max.)
RoadMap Step 3: no earlier than 17 May - Indoor entertainment and attractions - inc. cinemas and children’s play areas (eg Film Nights)
- Organised adult indoor group sports and exercise classes now permitted - (eg Zumba, Yoga, Pilates)
- Most significant life events (now 30 max.)
- Controlled indoor events of up to 1,000 people or 50% of a venue’s capacity, whichever is lower (for us this would be 125 max), will be permitted (eg conferences, theatre and concert performances and sports events)
RoadMap Step 4: no earlier than 21 June - Fully open as 'normal'.
- May be some COVID-status certification (eg for travel but unlikely for us)
- Events Research Programme (pilot starts April to check need for other measures to run events with larger crowd sizes and reduced social distancing) - Memorial Hall (or even whole village) events unlikely to be of a scale affected by these findings.
COVID-19: Guidance for the safe use of multi-purpose community facilities - Updated 17 May 2021
See: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-for-the-safe-use-of-multi-purpose-community-facilities/covid-19-guidance-for-the-safe-use-of-multi-purpose-community-facilities?fbclid=IwAR0wR0AAiJMjYyHuqHcuaTKdG2de6iUJXBQafrsQLgLSN-6TAHFGarTGsnc
Memorial Hall Re-opening Questionnaire
In order for the Memorial Hall Management Committee to make a robust plan of action in readiness for opening, it would be extremely helpful if you could complete and return the following questionnaire ASAP either by post to the Memorial Hall, by giving it to a Committee Member or send it via email to bookings@hampsthwaite.org.uk.
Memorial Hall COVID Guidance and Procedures. Revised Conditions of Hire and associated guidance have been produced with a view to our being able to accept bookings and resume most activities from September 1st 2020. In the meantime, please note the following: - you must not enter if you have, or have been in contact with, anyone displaying Covid-19 symptons
- the rooms will have reduced maximum occupancy numbers
- the aim is to have only one group in the hall at any one time and so you may be asked if you are able to alter your usual time slot and/or use a different room
- from September, our cleaners will come in each day, at least briefly, to sanitise all door handles, switches, WC seats and washbasins.
- BUT it will be a condition of hire that users must clean anything that is regularly touched and anything they use before and after use with the virucidal spray provided or ordinary domestic products.
Special Conditions of Hire during COVID-19
Note: These conditions are supplemental to, not a replacement for, the Memorial Hall’s ordinary conditions of hire (see http://www.hampsthwaite.org.uk/memorialhall/548 ).
Memorial Hall COVID Risk Assessment
Important Notes - The COVID-19 Risk Assessment may need to be updated in the light of any new government advice that may be forthcoming.
- This document should be read in conjunction with relevant legislation and guidance issued by government and local authorities.
Relevant guidance can be found at:
Memorial Hall COVID Risk Assessment – Guidance and Template for HirersHirers are strongly advised to produce their own Risk Assessment and people will feel safer if they do. This guidance shows the kind of approach groups might take when hiring the Memorial Hall. Use it as a guide to think through some of the hazards and the steps you need to take to control the risks which are particular to your group.
Please note this is not a generic Risk Assessment and you cannot just put your group name on to adopt wholesale without any thought. This would not satisfy the law - and would not be effective in protecting people.
Paper copies of the Template are available on request.
Covid Risk Assessment Guidance etc. from National and International Organisations . . . including:
 Memorial Hall - Room Occupancy Guide
Room capacity figures are worked out on the basis of number and size of exits i.e. how quickly people can escape from a building. As a general rule, normal room occupancy allows 0.5m2 per person dancing and 1m2 per person sitting but measures now need "to be in place to ensure all users of community facilities follow the guidelines on social distancing, including strict adherence to social distancing of 2 metres or 1 metre with risk mitigation (where 2 metres is not viable)" - ref: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-for-the-safe-use-of-multi-purpose-community-facilities/covid-19-guidance-for-the-safe-use-of-multi-purpose-community-facilities
As a rule of thumb we are advised to achieve this by dividing our normal occupancies by four but this may vary taking into account different layouts, space taken up by furniture or equipment and activities. The overriding aim is to enable Social Distancing between attendees who are not from the same household or support bubble.
This method is based on individuals attending, rather than groups of people from the same or no more than 2 households, and so represents a cautious approach. Different Hirers must make their own assessment based on this guidance according to the types of activity, age, relationships and vulnerability of their group.
 Floor Stickers for Exercise Classes
UK Gov Guidance for people who work in grassroots sport and gym/leisure facilities states: "The maximum occupancy of each indoor facility should be limited by providing a minimum of 100sqft per person. For this figure, the area is the net useable indoor facility space available to members to use, including changing rooms, toilet and wash facilities". The inclusion of all spaces is because this is a ventilation requirement so hirers should keep all internal doors open during exercise classes. EMD,the national governing body for group exercise, advises: " We recommend that participants are spaced at 3m intervals as this maintains 2m spacing in the event that participants take a step towards each other. . . . . More space may be needed for people with disabilities. Instructors and operators may choose to deliver classes with alternative layouts, but these must always enable class participants stay at least 2m apart . . . . . 2m by 2m is permissible as it is within Government guidelines for social distancing."
The honeycomb pattern of Floor Stickers placed in the Main Hall for guidance reflects this advice and, in addition, participants are reminded that all moving together in the same direction will maintain these distances.
 Track and Trace - Register of AttendanceThe easing of lockdown measures following the COVID-19 outbreak, is being supported by NHS Test and Trace. Hirers should assist this service by keeping a temporary record of group contact details for 21 days following the last session. We have produced an Attendance Register Template which Hirers may find helpful and assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for that data if needed. This could help contain clusters or outbreaks.
See: Paper copies of the Attendance Register are available on request.
Memorial Hall and COVID-19 The Memorial Hall Management Committee has taken steps to qualify the hall as being COVID-19 Secure as follows: - We have conducted a Memorial Hall Risk Assessment and made it available to all users.
- We have cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with UK Government guidance
- We have taken all reasonable steps to help hall users keep safe from COVID-19
- We have taken all reasonable steps to help Hirers maintain Social Distancing when using the hall
- Where people cannot keep 2m apart we have advised Hirers on the mitigating actions they might take to manage transmission risk